Introducing the SD-WAN Orchestrator.

This introductory tutorial guides you through the “Monitor” section of the SD-WAN Orchestrator. It’s a good place to start if you haven’t worked with the Orchestrator before. We’ll show you what each tab is for, and take you through the overview page.

The orchestrator lets you take back control. On a simple screen you can see which apps are using the most bandwidth at any site and prioritise them.

It’s also a window on your whole network letting you monitor any site or link and troubleshoot instantly. The orchestrator even makes deploying and updating policies a breeze. With a few clicks you can instantly configure a site, or several at once. This short series of videos will help you find your way around the orchestrator and show you some of it’s most powerful features.

Let’s start by having a look at the overview screen. This is an overview of all the sites in your network showing their location, and their status. Here, you can see almost all the sites are active. Here’s one with a data service that’s currently down, but the overall site status is still good. This HA column refers to high availability this is an option you can choose with SD-WAN that duplicates every piece of hardware, so no single equipment failure can bring your network down.

When combined with carrier diversity, which sends your data over more than one carrier, it delivers exceptional uptime that can’t be matched by other WAN providers.

If we look over here you can see how many data services are at each site, you can have up to four.

It’s easy to drill down into any of these sites for more specific site information.

Let’s take a look at the first tab, the overview tab. This screen provides an overview of each individual site, it also shows a high level overview, of the overall link status. In this case, you can see two data services and they’re both live. Here you can see the overall throughput and bandwidth in real time. Further down we have bandwidth usage which shows individual applications.

And over here you can see the categories of application across the network.

Further down again, we have the top operating systems consuming bandwidth, and here you can see the top sources, which we call the top talkers, consuming bandwidth. For each one you can click on the arrow to go into even more detail or you can click on the tabs at the top, which will do the same thing.

In our next video we’ll take a look at the quality of experience tab in more detail. Thanks for tuning in to this orchestrator video, you’ll find some more SD-WAN instructional videos on our website, catch you later.