Sources Tab.
The Sources tab lets you take a close look at all the devices connected to your site, and keep track of how much bandwidth they’re consuming. It can even provide insight into a specific device’s top applications and destinations. Like all Orchestrator reporting, you can see realtime data, or choose a date range to see data from the past.
Let’s have a look at the sources tab in the Orchestrator, this shows what we call the top talkers, the sites on your network which have the most traffic. You can easily see all the devices or clients seen by the edge box at any of your sites, and monitor how much bandwidth they’re consuming. You can even drill down into more detail for a specific device, to see it’s top applications and top destinations. Here’s where you’ll find a full list of all the devices at a site. Over here you can choose whether you want to break down the lists and graphs by individual devices or by operating systems.
By dropping down this menu you can choose whether you want to see Total Bytes, Bytes Received and sent in separate graphs or Total packets, or packets received and sent. You’ll see the graph change accordingly. To make it easier to see the detail you can click here to increase the scale of the y-axis. If you click on any of the end points on the list you can have a look at some more of the detail. Over here you can see the top applications and top destinations for this edge device.
You can customise these views further with drop down boxes. Like the other tabs you have full control over the time frame and date range that’s displayed. Here you can change the time frame you’re looking at by dropping down this box. So you might like to see a high level overview of the last 7 days. Or come in to a granular level and look at the last 60 minutes. You can even look at extended periods like 6 months or a year. Here you can change the date range, when you need to analyse or report on past network performance by source.
Last, it’s easy to filter the data that’s displayed on the sources tab. By clicking on the filter button you can set filter by criteria. Based on application, category, operating system, hostname, MAC address, user and destination. Filtering gives you granular control over the data you see. For example you could choose operating system and then select IOS. So the data displayed represents only the IOS devices on your network. Or you could choose edge to see only the SD-WAN edge devices.
Thanks for watching this video on the sources tab of the Orchestrator. We’ve got lots of other SD-WAN tutorial videos on our website so don’t forget to take a look. Catch you later.