Tired of the same old? So are we.
Legacy video conferencing that depends on unreliable bandwidth is often the only option for many organisations throughout Australia. So when the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) recognised this gap within their own organisation – they set out for change.
In search of something more efficient, dependable, and cost effective, ACARA management set out to find a solution that specialised in ‘face-to-face communication. For Nimit Rawal, Chief Information Officer (CIO), the answer was so simple: any new platform had to be easy-to-deploy and easy-to-use. So how did they gain access to something so ‘easy’?
Making face-to-face meetings convenient.
Integrating a new, video communications platform seemed daunting. Investigating what’s on the market, comparing suppliers, seeking references and testimonials to ensure they didn’t settle for something that was mediocre. But Nimit had the confidence that the effort would prove worthwhile.
Hosting meetings at ACARA required ds of bandwidth. This required their legacy platform to have its own, dedicated, and costly, internet connection.
However, bandwidth instability happened so often that offices in Perth were unable to communicate with Sydney. And that’s kind of a big deal.
Something so simple, shouldn't be so hard.
After an intensive research and investigation, ACARA turned to Macquarie Telecom for their guidance and recommendation. Nimit briefed his Account Manager, Stacy on the problem he faced.
After meeting with Nimit and taking ACARA’s needs into consideration, Stacy used her expertise to compare providers and find the best solution. Then one name came to Stacy’s mind – BlueJeans: a cloud-first user-based model to increase platform accessibility and efficiency.
It didn’t take long after ACARA implemented BlueJeans that employees became confident in using the platform. That’s right – no more long trips from Perth to Sydney and back. Being able to meet with greater ease and efficiency increased employee productivity, saved time, and reduced costly travel expenses.
The BlueJeans Outlook integration meant that users could join meetings from any device. With a link included in every calendar invite, it became the organisation’s default meeting method. They found their ‘easy’.

How we helped ACARA find their 'easy' with BlueJeans.
BlueJeans’ cloud-based platform allows for seamless and easy-to-use communication, saving both time and money. Exactly what ACARA needed. Stacy and Macquarie Telecom are all about listening to the needs of their customers.
"Thanks to Stacy and Macquarie Telecom, BlueJeans is now a critical part of ACARA's IT ecosystem. Every new employee receives a BlueJeans account."