Transport tab.

The Transport tab provides information and diagnostic data for every site on your network. It helps you understand site trends for measures like jitter, latency and packet loss. We’ll show you how to report on different time scales and date ranges, and take you through other useful options found within this tab.

Let’s have a look at the transport tab in the orchestrator. This tab shows information and diagnostic data at a per site level. With breakdowns for each data service. This display has lots of useful information for engineers. It’s easy to drop down to choose the metric you want to report on, you can measure things like average through-put, bytes received and sent, total packets, jitter and latency.

Let’s choose jitter for this example.

Now we can see the last few days worth of jitter information, and instantly observe any trends.

Down here we can choose which accesses are shown, for example, we can click here to turn off 4G so only the fibre link is showing. This can be helpful if you’re running 4G as a back up, but you only want to see your primary links. Let’s have a look at total packets. Here we can see that before the day started there weren’t many packets travelling over the network. But as soon as 9 o’clock comes round there’s lots of activity. On this screen we can easily use the drop down menu to change the time frame that’s shown. So you can have a look at an entire day or even more, or zoom into the last hours data. There’s a live monitoring option too this means the display is constantly refreshed so that it’s showing instantaneous data, take a look, every few seconds the display shifts, so the newest data is visible.

Now let’s have a look at transport groups, initially this display shows individual links, by clicking here on transport groups you can view by classifications of links. In this case for example there are two groups, wired and wireless. This is especially valuable if you’re using 4G links in your SD-WAN set up as they typically don’t provide an unlimited data quota. You can change the scaling of the received and sent graphs, with the scale Y axis tick box. This will typically show the sent information in more detail.

Thanks for watching this video about the transport tab in the orchestrator. We’ve got some more SD-WAN videos on our website. Catch you later.